Do you want to live the best life God has planned for you?
IC Growth Track is our four-step course designed to give you the tools for living your best life.
Become equipped with the tools to grow spiritually.
Become connected to the Impact family.
Become an Impact member.
Learn the vision of the church.
Join our Dream Team and start serving.
…and most importantly, become more connected to God.
IC Growth Track is also the first step to joining our Dream Team! Once you complete the 4-step course, you will have the opportunity to start serving on one or more teams at the church. Each step is held online and includes a video lasting about an hour and a half and a fill-in worksheet.
Growth Track is designed to help you take practical steps to grow personally and spiritually. If you want to become a member, learn more about God and get connected through volunteering with the Dream Team sign-up today. Growth Track will help you discover your God-given purpose and equip you to make a difference. We invite you to jump in at any time.
Classes are broken out to focus on 4 key areas:
Step 1 - iBelieve - Step One of Growth Track is about knowing God. We want you to know God personally and grow deeper in your understanding of Him.
Step 2 - iBecome - Step Two of Growth Track is to encourage you to grow in spiritual maturity, develop the three habits of time with God, prayer and tithing.
Step 3 - iBuild - Step Three of Growth Track is about living out the “Great Commandment” to love the Lord, your God with all your heart, soul and mind. And to love your neighbor as yourself.
Step 4 - iBelong - Step Four of Growth Track is about belonging to the family of God. Also, you will have an opportunity to become a member of Impact Church.
The 4-step course is delivered completely online through videos and digital fill-in worksheets. You can expect each video to last an hour to an hour and a half and you are free to move through the course at your own pace.
Yes, once you have completed IC Growth Track you will have the opportunity to become an official member of Impact Church as well as the ability to begin participating as a volunteer in our many areas of ministry.