This is Not the End of the Story

Pastor Travis emphasizes the importance of holding fast to the Lord in times of trials, drawing inspiration from the story of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 18:5-7.

The sermon encourages believers to trust in God and not to waver in faith.

Using the example of Hezekiah's desperate cry to the Lord during a life-threatening illness, Pastor Hearn underscores the significance of pouring out one's heart to God in times of trouble, citing examples from Acts 3:16, 2 Kings 20:1-3, and Psalm 20:1.

The sermon further emphasizes the power of prayer and supplication, referencing Philippians 4:6, and highlights the miraculous response of God to Hezekiah's cry, as seen in 2 Kings 20:4-6.

Pastor Hearn concludes by urging believers to never forget the miracles that God has performed, drawing parallels to Hezekiah's reflection on his recovery in Isaiah 38:9-10 and 38:17.

The message emphasizes the confidence that God, who began a good work, will bring it to completion, as stated in Philippians 1:6, and concludes with a reminder to find joy in the midst of various trials, echoing James 1:2.

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This is Revival


Love Never Fails Part 2